宝德电磁流量计 449673 burkert
J9九游会·登录大厅型号: 8045
简要描述:宝德电磁流量计 449673 burkert是插入式电磁流量计8045系列的其中一款,这个杆子稍微长点,属于长款版本的电磁流量计,带2对继电器输出,4-20ma模拟量输出,FDA认证,电源电压18-36VDC,配套的底座是s020系列
宝德电磁流量计 449673 burkert是插入式电磁流量计8045系列的其中一款,这个杆子稍微长点,属于长款版本的电磁流量计,带2对继电器输出,4-20ma模拟量输出,FDA认证,电源电压18-36VDC,配套的底座是s020系列,宝德电磁流量计449673实物图如下:

宝德电磁流量计 449673 burkert
A complete flowmeter Type 8045 with clamp connection consists of a flowmeter Type 8045 (with clamp connection), a Bürkert fitting Type S020, a clamp
collar and a fitting/flowmeter seal.
The following information is necessary for the selection of a complete
•Item no. of the desired flowmeter Type 8045 (see ordering chart, below)
•Item no. of the selected fitting Type S020 for flowmeter with clamp
connection (see separate data sheet)
•Item no. of the selected fitting/flowmeter seal - EPDM or FEP (see
ordering chart, p. 8)
•Item no. of the clamp collar (see ordering chart, p. 8)